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The Sparkle Sunshine Show has Launched into The World!

Hey Y'all. Carter Parton Rogers here. It is a wonderful, excitin' day! My podcast, The Sparkle Sunshine Show, has just launched today and I am so excited for y'all to hear it and enjoy it and share it and love it! This has been a real long time in the makin' and I am absolutely thrilled and I just know this is gettin' me one step closer to my dream'a bein' a Country Music Singin' Sensation at The Grand Ole Opry!

You can listen to the Podcast in all the places and on the iTunes. You can also listen right here: 


 THIS is Episode 1: The Origin Story


And y'all, the music video I mention durin' Episode 1! Well, be sure to stop back by my website on Friday for the MUSIC VIDEO!!! An original song by me and a music video with that song by me! Yay! FRIDAY THIS WEEK!!!

Thank you for listenin, and sparklin', and bein' kind!


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